I recently just was able to watch the new series by Veggie Tales creator Phil Vischer entitled Whats in the Bible? (www.whatsinthebible.com) This product is AMAZING!! It brings a fresh new element for every child to learn and understand that big crazy book we call the bible. Its the best learning adaptation that I have ever seen for teaching kids not only the basics of the Bible but every thing in it from beginning to end. Phil has partnered with Tyndale House (www.tyndale.com)to bring this new exciting way to teach the bible to kids to your home!
The first volume"In the Beginning" starts kids off with understanding the book itself: the authors, time period, logistical stuff that every Christian should know. Phil understands the mentality of children and how they learn. He teaches them in their own language and helps them to fully understand and grasp what it means to know what you believe and why. The characters of Ian, Buck, Sunday School Lady, and others bring a great element of surprise and eliminates stagnation and boring teachings about the bible. How songs and questions are incorporated to the story is great as well. I feel that every child under 1st grade will absolutely love this.
I was also fortunate enough to watch volume 2 about Genesis entitled, "Let my People Go!" IN this Phil is able to tell all the stories of Genesis from Adam and Eve, Noah, Moses, and Jacob in 30 minutes! I have to say that's impressive in itself, but he even does it in a way that kids will love and remember the stories and the significance of them to the rest of the bible! Phil understands that kids need to be taught the story (singular) of the bible and how it is 1 full story from start to finish, but also how all the stories (plural) in that mega story are connected and together form the story of God and his people and how much he loves his people!
I greatly look forward to the rest of the DVDs from What's in the Bible with Buck Denver. Take this time to look at this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G-Mnq_sqMus. It will explain what Phil is trying to do with this new series and how it started coming out of Veggie Tales.
The 2 Children's Pastors that can tell me why their church and ministry deserves and needs this as a ministry tool will get a free copy of Phil's new DVD series. Thank you so much for reading this. I truly feel that Phil is starting something amazing that will edify the kingdom of God starting at the best place to start: Children!
I'm really excited about WITB? too!
I LOVE what I've seen!
I forgot-- have you seen their website--
It's great!
I cannot wait to see the DVD #3.
Great review! It is a fantastic resource! Thanks for sharing.
This is going to be an excellent teaching tool for our kids! Looking forward to watching this with Abby age 3, Zach and Tyler age 1. They like to dance along with the VeggieTales movies we own so it should be fun to watch this with them! As Doug mentioned, check out their site here
This is awesome stuff, can't wait til the whole series is out, and the curriculum (yes, they are creating a curriculum as well)!
What's in the Bible
We have both of the DVDs that have been released and LOVE them. I can't say enough good about them to other parents I know. I can't wait for the rest of the series. And I too am looking forward to the curriculum. It will be 52 weeks of curriculum once it is complete. Thanks Phil Vischer!
Wow. What's in the Bible looks like an incredible resource for anybody who wants to teach kids about the Bible. I love what I've been hearing about it answering even the hard questions. We need more of that!
Can't wait to get it!!! So excited for the series too! www.whatsinthebible.com
Can't wait to get this series too!
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